Welcome to the Dubochet Center for Imaging

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The Dubochet Center for Imaging (DCI) is a joint initiative of the EPFL, the University of Lausanne, the University of Geneva, and the University of Bern.  The DCI is composed of three units: The DCI-Lausanne is located at the border between the EPFL and the University of Lausanne;  the DCI-Geneva is located in the Science II building of the University of Geneva; and the Microscopy Imaging Center is the DCI Bern of the University of Bern. 


These units form the DCI, a service platform for cryo-electron microscopy. The DCI operates several high-end cryo-EM instruments  to study biological molecules, viruses, bacterial, micro-crystals, small organelles, or sections of biological cells or tissue. The DCI has the expertise and is equipped to perform the entire structural analysis pipeline, covering the preparation of the samples, image and tomography data collection with electron microscopes, micro-electron diffraction (micro-ED), computer image processing, and atomic model building.

The DCI partners with the EMF cryo-EM facility of the University of Lausanne and the BioEM and CIME electron microscopy facilities of the EPFL.




To initiate a project at the DCI-Lausanne, please contact:

Alex Myasnikov, Head of the DCI Lausanne.

Tel.: +41 21 693 04 44

Email: alexander.myasnikov(at)epfl.ch

Once registered and a regular user, use the PPMS booking system.

To initiate a project at the DCI Geneva facility, please visit the DCI-Geneva Website

Christoph Bauer is the Head of the DCI Geneva. He can be contacted at christoph.bauer(at)unige.ch



To initiate a project at the DCI Bern facility, please visit the DCI Bern Website.




Contact at our partner facilitiy EMF@UNIL+-

The Electron Microscopy Facility (EMF) of UNIL is located in the Biophore building.

EMF Website

Christel Genoud is the Head of the EMF. The EMF can be best contacted by Email at contact-emf(at)unil.ch

Contact at our partner facilitiy CIME @ EPFL+-

The Interdisciplinary Center for Electron Microscopy (CIME) of the EPFL is located in the MXC building, not far from the EPFL's SV department.

CIME Website

Marco Cantoni is the Head of CIME. The CIME can be best contacted by Email at cime(at)epfl.ch

Contact at our partner facilitiy BioEM Lab @ EPFL+-

 The Biological EM Lab of the EPFL is located in the AI building. 

BioEM Lab Website

Graham Knott is the Head of the BioEM Lab. The BioEM Lab can be best contacted by Email at bioem(at)epfl.ch



The DCI is an Initiative of: